Tuesday, March 25, 2008



Is your head simming with blog, social networks and their titles and passwords?
Does Panic set in as you try to remember which blog is associated with a part-
icular group and which email as well as user names and passwords go with what?
Now I am not addressing those who are forutnate enought to have Robo Form.
This is directed toward those who are less forutnate and do not.

I am enjoying a sense of relief, since I have taken time to gather my notebooks
and notes upon which I have left information about each. I have gone to Word
Pad as I think it provides a more attractive presentation than Notepad. That is
where I listed all blogs with accompanying user names, passwords and related
email. There I also listed my social Networks with all their related information.
I thought it helpful to place all items related to a certain email together to avoid
confusion. I am sure there is a better way to manage emails, but since I am
not familiar with it I used the method just described.

This has given me a measure of satisfation and security in regard to Where I
left my information about each blog or social network. I make this suggestion
to help anyone out there who might have been Overwhelmed as I was with the
avalanche of new blogs and networks I had created, as well as the promise of --
"you ain't seen nothing yet".

Feel free to contact me: http://www.googledorothylanmantoday.com/;


Wavecritter said...

The information organinazation! This is great

Wavecritter said...

Aint Seen Nothin' Yet :)

michael curry said...

You have to be organized it makes things alot easier...
Your Friend @ http://www.learnmarketingsuccess.com
Michael Curry - google me